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Workshop Testimonials

Some of the companies I have worked with:



Spending the day with Kelly Norman gave me insight into how powerful our God-given minds are.  I realized even more that I have within me the ability to change my thoughts into beliefs which will help me lead a life full of purpose...therefore, leaving a legacy for all that God has set before me.


I truly enjoyed listening to Kelly and hearing all the great things she had to say. Her words and knowledge are from experience, and from people she knows. Kelly did a fantastic job at showing us how much negativity and holding grudges can truly affect our everyday lives and our businesses. I loved her idea of putting up guardrails, the pros of having guardrails and when you need them. She showed us the tools we need to achieve our dreams and to do 5 things everyday that moves us to our dreams. I am grateful that Kelly shared her heart and knowledge with us and truly believe that she wants us all to be successful in our lives!


Some of my favorite takeaways from Kelly Norman's workshop. People will do bad to you. Choose to not be offended. They are probably hurting. Instead of getting mad or upset, stop and pray for them. Make a list of every negative thought, like and untrue belief that speaks to you. On a separate sheet of paper, write down the truth (opposite). Burn the first sheet. Speak your truths daily as your affirmations. Let go of perfection (this is a huge one for me!) Identity guard rails, apply the guard rails now and thank yourself later. The 10 Questions to help you see YOUR dream. Passion - the vision should pull you through. You should not have to be pushed. SECURE acronym The cost or price of criticism, overcoming fear, hard work, sacrifice. STOP WAITING! Rule of 5 I now am in her mentorship program and that has been phenomenal! Had I not attended her workshop, I possibly would not have known about her mentorship program. I talked about it to a core group of mine and now one of them is in the program as well.




Living a Legacy was an incredible experience for me! I've spent years and years working on self development, digging deep into the reasons why I, and others in my life, do the things we do; Why we make the choices we that we do and the impact and effect they have on our entire lives; The impact that positive self-talk and reflection has on every aspect of our lives. Kelly summed it up perfectly when she told us to "Live by Spirit", not by thoughts and emotions. What I've never given much thought to is "offense". Kelly's presentation was life changing for me. She shed her light on us....taught us how to rid ourselves of offense, and gave us a step by step guide, as to how to create a life where offense is not taken. I also loved how Kelly told us, in regards to setting boundaries, that we should set them with confidence and love, and that we do not owe anyone an explanation as to why we are setting the boundary. A few short hours spent with Kelly will impact the rest of my life!


Kelly Norman's unique personal life experiences correlate uniquely with John Maxwell's lesson. Kelly taught us about unrealistic expectations, how to set healthy boundaries, and forgiveness. My life has has been renewed with validation that past choices that I have made are healthy choices.



I recently had the privilege of attending Kelly Norman's Legacy training.   I have been empowered by the lessons she taught, applying the new skills to my business but more importantly, my life.  Kelly's raw, honest and heartfelt manner in which she shares her personal truth and journey has given me a fresh outlook on how to better share MY truth with the world.  Her lessons on offense and perspective have changed how I approach relationships within my family, the workplace and my personal life.  It's truly empowering when the light bulb goes off.  The clarity happened for me after my Kelly Norman training.   I am eternally grateful!



Spending the day with Kelly, was life changing day. Its amazing how people, events or other things happen in your life just when you need it. We are all dealing with certain things in our life, whether good or bad. Its how we handle those situations that make us a stronger better person (creating our legacy) I'm here for a reason, and while I'm still figuring out what that reason is I know God gave me two beautiful children and I need to be the best version of myself for them. I learned from Kelly I need to know who I am, I need to let go of "offense" I need not judge...I need learn to forgive, pray for those who are hurting, ask God to love them and most important is just be kind. I will say I feel I am a very kind and genuine person, which is why I learned from Kelly to set up "guardrails". By setting up guardrails I won't take on guilt, I don't need to give a reason for something i do or say, I've learned to "Respond vs. React" this is one of the main things my husbands says is my biggest down fall. I'm working on it and doing much better. I'm focusing on my dreams and goals one day at a time. If you have a chance to listing to Kelly, please don't miss a wonderful opportunity. She's a wonderful speaker & listener. I interrupted her a few times and she graciously listened to me and let me talk.



There are moments in life that you don't forget. The moments that stir something within us, and we leave forever changed. That's exactly how I felt as I listened to Kelly speak in our small town. There was not a person in that room that wasn't moved or that didn't felt called to action. We all live fast paced lives. Getting through one moment so we can focus on the next, not sure if the things we are doing are leaving an impact on those around us. We get caught up in the race, in burying emotions instead of dealing with them. Not living out our true potential because we don't want to take the time and really dare to dream. So we settle for the safe all too often. Listening to Kelly recall her own childhood stories, and without knowing our own individual struggles, she related it in a way I felt like she was speaking directly into my heart. With three little kids that look up to me every single day, I want to know that I'm being the best mom and wife I can be, so they always have my legacy within them. I want them to see me reaching for the stars, setting dreams into actions, and working hard at my passions, because it is only then that they will really know how to reach for theirs. Kelly's morning was spent diving into leadership, and the afternoon into legacy. I wish that every person had the opportunity to be forever changed by her heart ad passion for helping everyone around her. I know that day will always be one of my defining moments, and I'm forever thankful she took the time to pour into us!


I had the pleasure of attending a full day of mind set training with Kelly Norman. The six hours spent with her flew by. Her content was so relevant to me, my life, my business. My two biggest takeaways were overcoming offense and dream building. I'm 39 years old and I've never been "taught" how to overcome taking offense and the steps to do so. This part of the day was so inspiring and lots of "a ha" moments! This has changed how I deal with people in and out of my business! In addition...I now know how to build my dream and how to leave an incredible, inspiring legacy!!! THANK YOU, Kelly, from the bottom of my heart! I am so fortunate to have been one of the many that you poured into!!! Your knowledge and love are powerful!

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